Market News

Billionaires Bailing on Tech: The Great Exodus Begins

While ordinary investors remain trapped in the FAANG frenzy, the world's elite billionaires have discreetly initiated a great exodus into an enigmatic sector.

One that has minted generational fortunes during previous tech implosions.

As troubling cracks arise under the tech surge, prescient investors like Buffett, Musk and Zuckerberg aren't sticking around to see which way the dominoes ultimately tumble. They've already mapped out their pre-emptive strategy.

They are rapidly rotating out of bloated tech stocks and piling into firms driving the disruption of multiple trillion-dollar industries. Firms that exponentially outperformed when the dot-com and 2008 bubbles spectacularly burst.

The same trader who predicted those wealth-shifting events years in advance has decreed tech is headed for a cataclysmic "2024 Tech Panic." While mindless investors stay glued to today's over-valued tech titans, the smart money has recognised the writing on the wall.

For those concerned about the fragility in their tech-loaded portfolios, the implications are serious. One path leads towards the conflagration consuming major tech names, while an alternate pre-emptive route could unlock a generational exodus into a new age of wealth creation.

The choice is yours - remain dangerously exposed to the next reckoning, or follow the blueprint of the renowned billionaires who've rewritten history's playbook.

For those seeking to secure their wealth ahead of the imminent crossroads, access to the ultra-wealthy's pre-emptive dossier exists for a limited window...

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In March 2022, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time in five years.

It triggered a brutal bear market that wiped out $9 trillion of American wealth... and slashed the average investor's portfolio nearly in half.

Now, according to the man whom CNBC nicknamed 'The Prophet'...

The Fed's next move is about to have a similar ripple effect on ordinary folks across America.

This event could dictate the next decade of every American's financial life, and it's critical that you take steps now to prepare.

Here's how.


Kelly Brown
Senior Researcher, Stansberry Research

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