
1 Stock Make It On Today's Utilities Stock Watchlist 

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We added 1 stock to our Utilities Stock Watchlist today because they are receiving Bullish Sentiment from investors and financial bloggers.

In addition, they are generating positive media buzz and/or have insider trading signals which came to our attention.  This list below is subject to change on a daily basis, so please be sure you subscribe to our email newsletter.

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Crew Energy, CWEGF
Summary: Crew Energy Inc was incorporated pursuant to the provisions of the ABCA as 1046546 Alberta Ltd. on May 12, 2003. On June 27, 2003 it changed its name to Crew Energy Inc. The Company is an oil and gas exploration, development and production company based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It conducts its operations in the Western Canadian Sedimentary basin, primarily in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan.
  • Last Price: 3.01
  • Price Change: <0, 0.50%
  • Yearly Gain: 212.50%
  • Market Cap: 458.96M
  • P/E Ratio: 2.832

Here are 3rd party ratings for CWEGF:

  • Moderate Buy
  • n/a
  • Yahoo! Finance: Neutral Short-Term Outlook
  • Strong buy
  • n/a

What is the sentiment on the street regarding Crew Energy (Current ratings compiled by

  • News Sentiment: Very Negative
  • Blogger Consensus: Bearish
  • Media Buzz: Medium
  • Insider Signal: Negative
  • Investor Sentiment: Very Negative
  • Hedge Fund signal: No Signal

If you are interested in CWEGF or any stocks within the Utilities sector, you might want to click here and check out this report. The stock market is extremely volatile, and you need to do your own research on CWEGF before you decide to make any investment.

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